William Miller: Early Life & Conversion | Episode 3 | Season 2 | Lineage

18 Jul 2018

Here we explore the life of William Miller, who made a great impact in early 19th century America. His family were devout Christians, and because of this William would read the bible repeatedly, as he had a great desire to learn. After marriage, he went on to become a Deist. However, years later he would return to his hometown where events would convert him back to the bible.

To learn more about William Miller visit our website to read our extended article https://lineagejourney.com/read/william-miller-early-life-and-conversion/

En Español: https://youtu.be/WLMwbh2P0Fo

#WilliamMiller #KnowYourHistory #KnowYourMission #LineageJourney #Lineage


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